• McMaster University offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics for a duration of 4 years.
  • It is an on-campus, thesis-based program offered on a full-time basis.
  • The PhD program in economics prepares students to become professional, independent economic researchers applying state-of-the-art methods to analyze economic phenomena. 
  • Graduates primarily pursue one of two career tracks. One track is an academic career as a professor of economics. A second track is a non-academic career in the public- or private-sector.
  • The PhD program offers the following Areas of Specializations:
    • Econometrics
    • Growth and Monetary Economics
    • Health Economics
    • International Economics
    • Labour Economics
    • Population Economics, and Public Economics.
  • The department provides faculty members that are affiliated with a number of research facilities and centres as McMaster that support economic research, including research by graduate students.  
  • University admit 5-8 PhD students each year that leads to small class sizes and substantial interaction between students and faculty.
  • Students in the PhD program who have successfully completed the comprehensive examinations may apply for the co-op option associated with this degree program.
  • To complete the Ph.D. co-op option, the student must work a total of eight months in either one or two placements and successfully complete both ECON 796 Economics Co-op Work Term I and ECON 797 Economics Co-op Work Term II.
  • Students can apply for internal and external scholarship such as Trudeau Scholarship according to academic excellence and the availability of funds.
  • The average salary of the program goes up to 56,000 USD.