The western Sydney university operates with a belief that everyone with the ability and drives to succeed should be given an opportunity and necessary means. With more than 100+ Western University Scholarships, it hopes to do exactly that for its incoming and continuing students.

Students are considered for western Sydney university scholarships under three groups:

  • University-funded scholarships
  • Donor-funded scholarships
  • Government scholarships

Of these, international students are considered for only university-funded scholarships and government scholarships. While the western Sydney university scholarships are mainly awarded as partial tuition fee waivers, government scholarships such as Australia awards Scholarships, cover tuition fees, accommodation, and other living expenses.

Western Sydney University Scholarships for Undergraduate Students

The undergraduate scholarships at Western Sydney University are awarded based on different categories: academic merit, equity grounds, community contribution, leadership abilities, or a combination of all four.

However, international bachelor students majorly receive Western University Scholarships based on their academic merit, which is evaluated at the time of admission itself.

Two scholarships are offered to international students, at present, at western Sydney university.

  • Vice-Chancellor’s Academic Excellence Undergraduate Scholarships offers a 50% tuition fee reduction per session.
  • Western Sydney International Scholarships- Undergraduate awards AUD 5,000 or AUD 7,500 to eligible students.

The eligibility criteria and selection process are similar for both the western Sydney university Scholarships:

Both undergraduate scholarships are granted on the first-come-first-served basis until all slots are filled. Therefore, recipients are advised to accept the scholarship at the earliest, to avoid disappointment.

western Sydney University Scholarship for Postgraduate Students

For the bachelor programs, international students are offered two postgraduate scholarships at Western Sydney University, in 2020-2021.

  • Vice-Chancellor’s Academic Excellence Postgraduate Scholarships awards 50% tuition fee waiver to recipients.
  • Western Sydney International Scholarships- Postgraduate offers AUD 7,500 per year to all recipients

These western Sydney university Scholarships are open to all incoming international students who have secured admission in a postgraduate coursework program, commencing in 2020.

Eligible students will be automatically considered for these scholarships at the time of their admission to the university.

western Sydney University Scholarships for Research Students

The university offers a research scholarship program that is open for international and domestic students. Applicable for research in all academic areas, recipients of western Sydney university scholarships will receive an annual stipend of AUD 30,000 for three years.

To apply for research scholarships:

  • Apply for a research degree at western Sydney university
  • Complete the Higher Degree Research Scholarship Application Form and submit the required documents.
  • Email the application package to

Recipients will be informed via official email before the commencement of their research program.

Apart from these western Sydney University Scholarships, international students can also apply for scholarships funded by the government or external sources, to study in Australia. Two of the biggest scholarship programs offered to international students are the Australian Awards and Australian Government Research Training Program.

These scholarships not only cover the entire tuition fees but, also offer stipend and allowance for expenses like accommodation and travel.

With such a variety of western Sydney University Scholarships, international students have an opportunity to fund their higher education.