• The course is offered by Monash Universitys School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. It is the only one of its kind in Victoria and facilitates the development of a range of analytical and communication skills necessary to work in the broad domain of clinical research and practice.
  • The program will enable student to develop a detailed understanding of biostatistics, epidemiology, data management, clinical trials, clinical measurement, ethical practice, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, and critical appraisal of the scientific literature for application in research and clinical practice.
  • To ensure depth of understanding, as well as providing student with a valuable opportunity to innovate within student particular fields, student will have the option to develop Students own research protocol and undertake a clinical epidemiological project.
  • The course structure and flexibility assists student to extend, integrate and apply student core knowledge and skills with depth across the broad domain of clinical practice and research, something that students want in a highly competitive industry and employers have identified as important.