Statement of Purpose is primarily an essay that is used to offer clarity and transparency in terms of students’ dreams, ambitions and goals. It describes the elemental aspects of a students’ experiences, educational opportunities and background. SOP for MS in Australia is limited to 500 to 600 words and required for varied disciplines like business, engineering, medicine, etc.

Guidelines to Write a Good SOP for MS in Australia

Statement of Purpose is a reflection of the students’ profile stating facts related to experiences and accomplishments. It is an opportunity to provide an insight to a students’ past journey and career goals.

Following are some tips on writing a good SOP for Australia:

  • Average word count or length should be around 500 to 1200 words
  • Australian review committees are impressed by a good opening statement and introduction.
  • Inspirations and transformative experiences tend to set a personalized tone to the editorial.
  • Students’ past experiences and participation would display a strong learning -oriented sense of the student.
  • Major projects, research papers, educational activities and more can boost up the view of the students’ profiles in front of the committee.
  • Additional credits and training elevates the students and puts them on a higher platform amidst other profiles, relatively.
  • Australian institutes give heavy weightage on career -driven profiles and opportunities.
  • Any career -oriented involvement in the workforce culture would yield in high possibilities with respect to admissions.
  • A clear and solidified passion and the ways to reach those goals would communicate the essence of the students’ ambitions in the true sense.
  • The purpose of pursuing a Masters’ Degree in Australia and the reason for the course of choice and the inspiration for the same is to be written about clearly.
  • A good closing statement is heavily suggested as this would create a feeling of maturity and closure to the experiences of the student.
  • While mentioning one’s background, students are advised not to brag and lay stress upon facts mentioned in the resume or curriculum vitae (CV).

University Specific Requirements for SOP for MS in Australia

Statement of Purpose is an expression of personality traits, behavior, growth and development of students. Instructions on how to write a good SOP for top universities of Australia are as follows:

University of Melbourne

Admission to programs like Masters of Business Analytics, Computer Science Engineering, Arts and Cultural Management, Landscape Architecture and Applied Positive Psychology require submission of SOP at University of Melbourne. Following guidelines should be followed by the applicants:

  • Word count is 500 words.
  • Personal experiences: academic and professional such as work opportunities, internships
  • Societal engagement or service, co -curricular activities, projects, additional achievements

Monash University

At Monash University, SOP is required for admission to Masters in Accounting, Communications and Media, Forensic Medicine, Advanced Clinical Nursing (36), Applied Linguistics, Cultural and Creative Industries and many more. The basic instructions that students should follow are:

  • Word limit: 500 words
  • Write about your journeys and experiences in the sense of learning in approximately 500 words (39).
  • Include details about extra -curriculars and additional activities and workshops along with academic credits.

University of Queensland

Masters of Advanced Economics, Business Administration (40), Biotechnology, Communication, Engineering, Environmental Management, Psychology, etc, are few courses that require a personal statement or essay for admission at University of Queensland.

SOP should include following details:

  • The reason for choosing the University of Queensland and the course
  • Personal, academic backgrounds and past experiences
  • Future employment, career plans and aspirations
  • Reason for educational gaps if any
  • Reason for not pursuing the course of choice in the native country
  • Expectations with the university
  • How does the university complement the academic routine and career plans of applicants?

University of Sydney

University of Sydney Office of Admissions requires students to submit a Statement of Purpose expressing their ambitions and future plans more so than their journey. Students’ expectations from the course of choice and the institute are to be cited clearly.

Few points to be addressed are:

  • Why has the student chosen Australia to continue their further studies?
  • Why pursue your post graduation or higher education now?
  • Why is the student considered for admission?
  • Any professional experiences and employability opportunities
  • Additional talents, skills and interests

Masters of Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Health Policy (51), Pain Management (52), Oral Health, Music, Visual Arts, Science in Medicine (53) Education, Medicinal Sciences, Information Systems etc, are few courses that require a personal statement or portfolios for admission at University of Sydney.

Australian National University

Students are required to fill a Support Statement Form available in the form of a pdf file as a part of the admission document at Australian National University. The Support Statement Form is how students may express their goals and motivations.

The questions are specified and space is provided below for students to fill up with their answers. No word count is specified since the space given would be the limit and cannot be enlarged or reduced.

These questions are related to the following topics:

  • Academic achievements of students along with their goals, career plans and passion
  • Motivation to choose the course
  • How would it help the student to conquer their ambitions?
  • Students’ personality traits, striking characteristics, qualities, and skills

Majority of the courses at Australian National University require submission of Support Statement Form including Masters of Information Systems, Economics (57), Business Analytics, Finance, Social Sciences and Humanities, Philosophy, Environment Science and many more.

Sharp, lucid and vivid SOPs would precisely meet the expectations of the Australian universities’ admission committee.