The entire field of tourism and outdoor recreation has grown very rapidly. People are interested in the environment, history of our natural wonders, participating in new physical endeavors and just plain enjoying the great out-of-doors. With this interest comes the need for training, facilitating, organizing and planning trips as well as developing a curriculum and monitoring the actual events. Students prepare for leading such activities with a focus on environmental awareness, team building, social connections and personal growth.

In cooperation with the Recreation, Tourism and Therapeutic the Recreation (RTTR) Department, their graduate certificate in Outdoor Education/Adventure Based Leadership can be combined with the five core courses in Leadership Education for the Master?s Degree. Graduates work in K-12 schools supporting student learning and health and the rapidly growing fields of adventure tourism and team building in organizations.

The Outdoor Education/Adventure Based Leadership program consists of 33 credits in a combination of core Leadership Education courses and courses specific to the Outdoor Education/Adventure Based Leadership emphasis. A capstone writing project and a comprehensive examination are also required for a Master?s in Leadership Education.