Geoscience majors are required to complete a Capstone Experience that often includes a research or internship component. The Capstone is designed to promote critical thinking and problem solving skills that are the foundation of a successful career in the sciences.

The Geoscience Department, in cooperation with other science departments and the College of Education, has developed a Minnesota Board of Teaching (BOT)-approved program which meets the BOT licensure requirements in place at the time the catalog went to press. Students should be aware that the program described below may change significantly in the near future, as the BOT considers changes to the Science Licensure programs; therefore, students should work closely with their academic advisor to ensure that they will be able to graduate with a BOT-approved degree. Completion of the program outlined below will enable the student to apply for a license to teach grades 9-12 Earth & Space Science Specialty and grades 5-8 General Science Specialty.

We are committed to providing high-quality classroom and field education in the many disciplines of geoscience.

Our geoscience majors gain a solid foundation in chemistry, physics, biology, and math along with coursework in classic geological methods and topics as well as the broader perspectives of 21st century geoscience.

Our degree programs stress integrated problem solving and a breadth of skills to prepare students for a wide range of potential career opportunities.

Our faculty mentor students in original research projects and our students are recognized both regionally and nationally for the quality of their research.