• The concentration prepares students to pursue a career in operations which can include a diverse range of job opportunities including: Operations Management Consulting, Project Management, Business Analyst, Service Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing Planning, Distribution Planning, Inventory Management, Forecasting/Demand Planning, Retail Management, New Product Development, and Innovation Consulting.
  • The focus of the concentration is on both practical and analytical decision-making skills, and the courses in the concentration deploy class discussions, lectures, team projects, and simulations as the means of pedagogy. Armed with this knowledge, our students are aggressively recruited by major corporations, consulting firms, and small business enterprises. Entrepreneurially minded students will gain the required knowledge to manage the business operations for a startup venture. Qualified candidates for operations-related positions continue to be in high demand.?
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts an impressive employment growth of 12.4 percent between 2012 and 2022 for operations management positions. In addition, past job-posting data from the Babson Undergraduate Center for Career Development (CCD) indicate that one in six (18 percent) of the job postings for full-time positions are operations-related positions. And, within the CCD job listings, job descriptions using the term ?operations? has doubled in the last three years.