• This experience includes forming teams, constructing business models, talking with partners and customers, assessing feasibility, while launching a new venture or initiative. The skills and competencies gained in an Entrepreneurship concentration are vital for the success of any business or organization including nascent startup, corporation, family, nonprofit, global, franchise, or any other setting. Entrepreneurship concentrators will apply Entrepreneurial Thought and Action? both academically as well as in real world settings. The concentration also provides customized paths for students wishing to specialize in general retail or service, technology, social/nonprofit, family, global, or corporate settings.
  • But the world keeps changing and as it does, so must our definition of who an entrepreneur is and what skills he or she needs to make an impact. In the past, entrepreneurs were seen as lone visionaries; today, teams, divisions, even whole enterprises are striving to be more entrepreneurial. Babson?s innovation was to break entrepreneurship education out of its silo and integrate it across the curriculum so our students can learn to apply their entrepreneurial skills from a foundation of strong functional business knowledge.
  • Connecting theory with practice, we infuse Entrepreneurial Thought and Action? throughout our curricular and co-curricular offerings. From Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship, a required course for all first-year undergraduates, to advanced graduate school electives such as Buying a Small Business or Technology Commercialization, students can choose from over 80 different entrepreneurship courses. In our hands-on, collaborative environment, students and faculty see the world as it really is and conceive innovative solutions. Our campus is a learning/living laboratory where we question assumptions and value new ideas. In shaping the leaders of tomorrow, we are ourselves shaped by the new knowledge and restless energy that is part and parcel of the Babson experience.