The Department of Mathematics offers programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in both pure and applied areas of mathematics.

No Thesis Option Examination

A student in the M.S. program not writing a thesis must pass at least one of the three Ph.D. qualifying examinations in addition to passing the screening examination.

Screening Examination

This examination which must be passed with distinction, consists of two parts, namely, an Introduction to Analysis and an Introduction to Modern Algebra. The examination may be administered at the beginning of each year or within the first year to all new entrants not exempted from that examination by the faculty.

The Expository Writing Examination

This examination is required and administered by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Residence Requirements

At least two semesters of full-time study or the equivalent, shall be undertaken in the Department of Mathematics within the Graduate School of Arts and Science.

Other Requirements

Graduate students shall regularly attend seminars, lecture series, and colloquia sponsored by the Department of Mathematics.