The History Department's graduate program reflects the department's concurrent commitment to

  • an accurate reconstruction and interpretation of the collective experiences of the world's people and
  • a special emphasis on African America, Africa, and the African Diaspora.

These concordant concerns are in keeping with Howard University's unique character and role as a major American university with a predominantly Black constituency.

The program is designed to allow for both diversity and specialization and is sufficiently flexible to permit the student to have a significant role in fashioning his/her specific degree requirements. While students may major or minor in African, Latin American/Caribbean, and United States history, they may minor in European, and they may choose one of their minors from another discipline. They may also create a program, which is a combination of courses and research projects that will enable them to specialize in African American, African Diaspora, Public, comparative, and women's history.

The excellent research and educational facilities in the Washington, D. C. area ?including the Library of Congress, the National Archives and the Smithsonian Institution ? provide an added dimension to the program's value and make its high objectives more readily attainable.