The Master of Science in Global Health program is based on an interdisciplinary and development-oriented approach to global health. With a strong focus on quantitative, qualitative and applied social sector research in developing countries, and a rather unique “regional health and development” concentration, the program offers new opportunities to individuals pursuing a career in the field of global health.

The master's program offers:

  • An innovative and multidisciplinary curriculum with a research emphasis, didactic coursework and experiential learning.
  • The opportunity for students to identify an area of interest within core courses and track-specific classes to enhance their understanding of global but also of regional public health issues.
  • The competencies and skills required to conduct research in the increasingly complex field of global health.
  • Regular exposure to key national and international public health professionals and organizations based in the Washington, DC area through seminars and special events.
  • An international field experience for students to apply and integrate classroom experience and gain first-hand experience conducting research.