Students in the Apparel Design and Product Development program at Baylor University study the art of design. They also study the discipline of specific apparel construction. Students learn a variety of skills, including design, trend tracking, apparel production operations and textile performance.

As part of the degree, students complete an internship. Past students have interned in New York, Paris, London, Los Angeles, Dallas and other locations. Student also earn credit through study tours that take place each summer, alternating between a European and North American destination. Alumni find jobs as fashion designers, wholesale buyers and textile designers.

The Apparel Design curriculum focus is to help students develop into professionals that will be successful in both the domestic and international market place. Fashion design is the development of apparel and textile products that meet the needs of specific consumer markets. Students develop an understanding of these needs through the study of consumer behavior, demographics and psychographics.

Program Preview

  • Creative apparel design education and application
  • Apparel design for specific target markets
  • Network opportunities with professionals in the apparel industry
  • Diversity of classroom experiences
  • Critical problem solving and application in the apparel design process
  • Strong liberal arts background
  • Study abroad programs
  • Design competitions and fashion shows
  • Discipline specific apparel construction and computer labs
  • Student membership in Fashion Group International
  • Apparel design internships