The Anthropology major offered by Baylor University includes the study of biology, society, culture and language. Students learn about these topics through classroom lectures, seminars and hands-on field and laboratory research.

Majors must take a Field School course. Field School courses consist of small group research projects where students collect and analyze data. Courses are taught in Guatemala, Appalachia, Belize and Waco.

The Anthropology major is a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree. Both degrees prepare students to enter graduate study. The BS degree emphasizes biological and behavioral sciences. The BA degree focuses on behavioral and cultural studies.

The Anthropology Department offers two areas of study: Cultural Anthropology and Forensic Anthropology.

Graduates with an Anthropology major most often continue their studies and research in graduate school. Others enter the workforce as museum curators or work for goverment agencies or cultural organizations.