• Philosophers explore the nature of reality, truth, beauty or justice, the constitution of knowledge, the nature and existence of the world, human freedom, good and evil, the existence of God, personal mortality, human nature, social and political activity, and the extent of human understanding.
  • The Philosophy Department at Villanova University provides a congenial setting for those students interested in philosophical questions. In addition to an undergraduate program leading to a major, a minor or a double major in Philosophy, our Department offers courses which satisfy the core requirements in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Villanova School of Business, the Villanova College of Engineering and the Villanova College of Nursing.
  • The courses in the Department also satisfy requirements for majors in Cognitive Science, Computing Science, Environmental Sciences and Criminal Justice. Finally, they fulfill elective requirements in the Ethics Program, the Honors Program, the Center for Peace and Justice Education and Women’s Studies.
  • Philosophy is the only department in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with a graduate program leading to a Ph.D. Doctoral candidates in our program specialize in the study of the History of Philosophy, Continental as well as Analytic Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy and Aesthetics.