Majors in at? literature must also complete either a minor in their chosen field of study, or the 40-credit (rather than the 33-credit) major in English.? Please see the material on the English major in the General Catalog for specific degree requirements.

The English major consists of a minimum of 33 credit hours in English courses, beginning with English 200; all other courses are numbered English 300 or above. English majors who enrolled at VU before the 2004-2005 school year may choose to meet the requirements for the major from earlier catalogs (that is, a 30-credit major in addition to English 200 that does not require English 400) provided that they adhere to that same catalog for all of their degree requirements.

Career Paths

Many careers are open to students who graduate with a major in English. Medical and law schools appreciate a strong background in English. Top business executives want associates who are skilled at oral and written expression.? Communications specialists in all fields require excellent analytic, research, and writing skills, as well as proficiency in digital and social media.? The study of English can equip you for all of these things.