The Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics (ACE) offers courses of study that lead to the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Applicants with a baccalaureate degree are initially admitted to the M.S. program. Students who fulfill specific requirements in the first year of the M.S. program may request transfer into the Ph.D. program.

Students must earn a 3.0 (A = 4.0) GPA for a minimum of 32 graduate hours of credit. M.S. students entering the ACE graduate program will be admitted only to the Thesis Option. For the Thesis Option, a thesis is prepared under the supervision of a faculty advisory committee. The thesis is defended in a formal oral examination, which usually coincides with an open departmental seminar, administered by the thesis committee. The Non-Thesis Option requires advanced coursework in lieu of a thesis. The Non-Thesis Option is available only to students already enrolled in the Thesis Option of the ACE M.S. program or in the ACE Ph.D. program. Application for admission to the Non-Thesis Option is by petition to the Department after at least two semesters of graduate coursework have been completed.