Electrical engineering students become immersed in at least two of the following core areas: communications systems, computers, control systems, electromagnetics, electronics and microelectronics, power and energy systems, and signal processing.

Students in the computer engineering option specialize in the software and hardware components of modern computing systems.

Electrical and computer engineering graduates have career opportunities in a number of industries and fields including, but not limited to, computing, telecommunications, manufacturing, maintenance, utilities, aerospace, automotive, defense/military, medical and consumer products. Electrical and computer engineers also design and operate a wide array of complex technological systems, such as power generation and distribution systems and modern computer-controlled manufacturing plants. The degree also provides an excellent background for graduate study in electrical or computer engineering as well as medicine and law.


UA?s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will be nationally recognized for high-quality educational programs and research through focused activities and excellence of its faculty, staff, graduates and facilities.


UA?s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will

  • provide high-quality and broad-based undergraduate and graduate education in electrical and computer engineering
  • conduct high-quality research programs that will advance the state of knowledge
  • contribute to the engineering profession and to society through service activities