For centuries the study of the ancient world classics has been central to any well-rounded humanistic education. Incredibly sophisticated notions of justice, equality, mutual respect and freedom were hammered out amid the stone and struggle for survival and have become part of our inheritance. In Classics, the students learn that inheritance through the literary and material remains. The concentration in Classical Civilization focuses mainly on the Greco-Roman cultural contributions, with an emphasis on history (including Egyptian and early Christianity), ancient religion and social issues.

Students who choose the Classical Civilization track of the Foreign Language Bachelor will have an interest in the fundamental ideas and structures of Western Civilization. Students are expected to gain a rudimentary knowledge of Greek or Latin, if not both. Students who pursue this track should not expect to continue on in Classics on the graduate level (though Ancient History is an option), but are preparing themselves for various professional degrees by acquiring a broad understanding of the humanistic issues we have faced and addressed throughout history.