The Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies allows students to design an academic program consisting of language and regional subject areas, with a study abroad or internship component. Students can use this major to pursue careers that depend on combinations of skills from a variety of fields, with an international focus. Graduates of the Global Studies major may go on to pursue graduate or professional programs related to one or more of their selected subject areas. Career fields or graduate areas of study might include international education, business, or development; geography; or global human rights promotion, among many others.Global Studies teaches content and skills that may be applied to a wide variety of career fields.

The Global Studies program creates opportunities for students to engage in international research, internship opportunities, and study abroad; it taps into Arizona's unique location on an international border and takes advantage of world class strengths in traditional disciplines. It represents an effort to globalize areas of study with the addition of an international perspective, particularly in public health, the environment, literature, the arts, and cultural studies.