The Sports and Society Concentration is designed to provide students with a basis for understanding the sports industry and the broader economic, political, religious, cultural, ethnic, and social systems that apply to the world of sports.

The knowledge of economic, political, religious, cultural, ethnic, and social systems that apply to the world of sports and the sports industry, gained with a Bachelor of General Studies with a concentration in Sports and Society, forms a solid foundation for a variety of careers. A graduate in the Sports and Society concentration could work in retail, research, communication, public relations, or marketing fields in positions including administration, management, public relations, and program and event coordination. This concentration is also good preparation for work and further studies in business management, business administration, economics, and marketing. General Studies, like many majors, teaches content and skills that can be applied to a wide variety of career fields. This major does not restrict you to a specific field. Following are career fields that may most closely relate to this major. This major is also excellent preparation for graduate studies in sports management.