• MS in Mathematics at the University of Arizona is offered as a 2-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program available on a full-time basis and offered at the University of Arizona's main campus in Tucson.
  • It is a 30 unit master's degree program.
  • The faculty of the Department of Mathematics carries on research (and research seminars) in a variety of purely mathematical and interdisciplinary fields. In algebra and number theory, the research includes group theory, rings and modules, algebraic number theory, representation theory, and primality testing.
  • Research in the analysis is being carried out on unbounded operators, quantum field theory, integrable systems, dynamical systems, and nonlinear problems of ecology, chemistry, and fluid dynamics. In geometry, there is work on algebraic geometry, moduli spaces, symplectic geometry, and Lie theory. In probability and statistics, projects involve reliability theory, stochastic processes, statistical inference, and nonparametric inference.