• MS in Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona is offered as a 2-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program available on a full-time basis and offered at the University of Arizona's main campus in Tucson.
  • It is a 33 unit master's degree program offering a variety of electives.
  • Time-to-completion for the Master of Science degree in Atmospheric Sciences is approximately 2 years (coursework and research).
  • All candidates must submit a thesis or manuscript which has been judged by the student's committee to be acceptable for publication in an appropriate scientific journal and present the results in a formal departmental seminar or at a national or international scientific meeting. 
  • Active research focuses on atmospheric chemistry and aerosols, changes in hydrologic extremes under a warmer climate, climate and global change, COSMOS Soil Moisture Measurement, improving monsoon predictability, integrated evaluations, and applications of the NASA MERRA Reanalysis Data, land processes in the NCAR CCSM, land processes in the NCEP Weather Forecasting Model, lightning and atmospheric electricity, radiation and remote sensing, tropical meteorology and tropical cyclones, and weather analysis and predictability.