Ever since its inception, Rensselaer has been a leader in science and technology education. Today, the institute provides undergraduates with one of the most modern environments for learning. 

Students have access to substantial computing resources, such as an award-winning network infrastructure, 24/7 computing labs, and extensive campus-wide site licensing of popular technological software. Coursework typically integrates these computing resources, exposing students to these tools, and allowing them to use them creatively.

Earth & environmental sciences provides undergraduates with some of the most innovated classes in tertiary education. Our classes are designed to engage students in activities, and support independent thinking, taught by people researching many of the most significant topics in earth science today. 

Students experience this knowledge in the classroom, in teaching laboratories and field trips that accompany most classes, and in research, if they so choose (there are numerous opportunities to work on existing projects or of one's own design). Students also gain hands-on experience with the latest and most powerful research tools in earth science.