The Department emphasizes a balance of teaching and research in the forefront areas of the modern chemical and biomedical engineering, and it has made an impact on the field in many aspects of education and research. Fourteen full-time and one half-time instructors, one research associate/academic advisor, and several adjuncts and affiliated professors comprise the faculty. The student body consists of about 175 undergraduates and 30 graduate students. 34 BS, 6 MS, and 5 Ph.D. degrees were awarded during the 2011-2012 academic year. Major departmental research efforts are active in the following areas:

  • Multiphase transport processes with reaction
  • Reaction modeling and analysis
  • Polymer characterization and crystallization
  • Bioconversion of complex organic materials
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of materials and biological samples
  • Non-equilibrium processes
  • Environmental hazards mitigation
  • Electrochemical and fuel cell engineering
  • Dynamics and separation of biological macromolecules
  • Cellular and tissue engineering
  • Colloidal engineering