The degree at Florida State University provides a broad technical background with special emphasis on manufacturing systems, computer modeling, costs, quality, management, and human factors. Industrial engineering draws upon specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences, together with the principles and methods of engineering design and analysis, to specify, predict, and evaluate industrial systems.

The program of study includes engineering analysis for the optimization of industrial systems, design of man-machine systems, and the scientific management of activities. Specialized training is available in the use of modern engineering tools and techniques such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), and ergonomic (human factors) engineering.

Industrial engineers pursue careers in manufacturing, service industries, and government. In addition, many industrial engineers are now being employed in nontraditional fields such as hospitals, banks, insurance, and information processing. The present and future demand for IE's appears to be very high. Industrial engineers are increasingly being called upon to act as productivity catalysts in manufacturing and service organizations in order to meet regional, national, and international demand and competition.