Students following this program at Florida State University often pursue graduate study in a range of specialties or seek admissions to health professional programs. Students may seek technical careers, laboratory or field positions in government or industry, or environmental consulting. Some students will combine this track with preparation for careers in primary and secondary education.

Students are strongly encouraged to gain experience in research through sponsoring faculty and their labs. You can become involved in research in these labs and at local research facilities in three ways:

  • Directed Individual Study (BSC 4900) Research or other individual study for credit:Available to students with a GPA of 3.0 in courses that apply to the major. Search faculty pages here for appropriate mentors.
  • Honors in the Major:(BSC 4970). A two-semester independent research experience for qualified students. Available to students with a GPA of 3.2.
  • Medical Volunteering:Volunteering is a great way to find out if a topic interests you and gain experience even if you can't make a semester-long commitment (though some students do volunteer long-term). Internships provide experience outside of academic labs. For a list of volunteer and internship opportunities read the Department of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Opportunities page