The Program is dedicated to meeting the educational needs of its graduate and professional students; to providing lifelong learning opportunities in the study of polymeric materials; to assisting Connecticut industry in developing polymer technology; and to developing the knowledge base regarding polymeric materials and in disseminating this knowledge on a global basis.

Polymer Program faculty pursue intellectual excellence in an environment that integrates teaching, research, and service and is renowned for its expertise in the synthesis, characterization, engineering, and molecular design of polymeric materials systems. The Program is a leader in polymer research and educational programs. As such it attracts an intellectually rich and culturally diverse community of students and scholars.
Provided with a multifaceted program that bridges traditional academic disciplines, its students receive outstanding educational and research experiences tailored to individual needs and responsive to the ever-changing technological and scientific needs of society. Through its educational and research ventures, the Program generates knowledge and disseminates this knowledge to all of its constituents, recognizing that the transmission of knowledge and lifelong learning are essential to the economic future of the State of Connecticut, the nation, and the global community.