Two approaches are offered for individuals seeking to obtain a Master of Science (MS) degree:

  • Plan A and Plan B. Plan A emphasizes research and is usually pursued by full-time graduate students. 
  • Plan B emphasizes coursework and is usually pursued on a part-time basis by students who work full-time elsewhere.

Plan A: The Thesis Option

  • The student must complete 7 graduate courses (21 credits), maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or above. At least 5 of these courses (15 credits) must be MSE courses, and 3 of the 5 (9 credits) must consist of our Core Courses (MSE 5301, MSE 5309, and MSE 5334). The student must also complete at least 9 credits of Master’s Thesis Research (GRAD 5950).

Plan B: Non-Thesis Option

  • The student must complete at least 10 graduate courses (30 credits), maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or above. At least 6 of these courses (18 credits) must be MSE courses, and 3 of the 6 (9 credits) must consist of our Core Courses (MSE 5301, 5309, and MSE 5334).