It goes beyond traditional M.S. degree programs in offering a coherent set of courses that builds a knowledge base in basic biochemistry and cell biology principles, adds complementary courses in business and public policy, and includes a three-credit internship to provide hands-on experience. This combination of training experiences will make program graduates valuable members of decision-making teams who must deal with complex issues surrounding emerging technologies.Graduates of this program will find employment in industries that utilize biochemical and cell biological approaches, including: research laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers of biologic therapeutic agents (e.g. antibodies, cytokines), research instrument manufacturers, regenerative medicine and tissue engineering companies, etc. Graduates would be suited for positions with federal and state regulatory agencies dealing with public health concerns. Finally, they may serve in advisory capacities to judicial or legislative bodies that deal with issues involving patent law in the context of pharmaceuticals or stem cells or with private consulting firms.Full-time enrolled students will likely take 2 years, including a full-time 3 month internship, to complete the degree program. Part-time enrollment is an option and will require a longer time to complete the program.