The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science offers a Master of Science Degree in Materials Science and Engineering with either a Thesis Option or a Course Option.

In the Thesis Option, 

  • The quantitative requirement for the degree is 30-credit hours. A minimum of 24 of these units must be course credit, and a minimum of 6 units must be Masters Research, MEMS 599. A minimum of 15 units of the total 30 units must be in MEMS courses.
  • The overall grade-point average must be 2.70 or better.

In Course Option,

  • The quantitative requirement for the degree is 30-credit hours (normally 10 courses). A minimum of 15 units of the total 30 units must be in MEMS courses.
  • The overall grade-point average must be 2.70 or better.