Jewish, Islamic, and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures is an academic department, unique in North America, in which Jewish Studies and Islamic Studies are integrated. It is an interdisciplinary department whose purpose is to explore the historical experience, literary, religious and cultural expression, and political and material life of the Jewish, Islamic, and Near Eastern civilizations. Whether you favor the study of language, literature, religion, history, or politics, you will find in our courses a way to deepen your appreciation of these complex and diverse societies and cultures. You will also be encouraged to explore the interaction of Jews and Muslims with neighboring societies and cultures in the Middle East, Europe, North Africa, and other parts of the world.

Our majors and minors have gone on to do many things after graduation. Many have entered professional schools in such fields as law, journalism, education, the rabbinate or ministry, government, and communal or social work. Others have gone on to do graduate work in either Jewish or Islamic studies or in related disciplines. Still others have combined their interest in Jewish, Islamic, and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures with careers in business, medicine, or scientific research. All have found the major to have been an intellectually and emotionally rewarding experience and an important component of their overall development.