• Students will use high-level instrumentation and laboratory work to conduct high-caliber research work that may be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
  • Small class sizes increase student’s chances of getting research published and participating in hands-on experiments.
  • MSU’s curriculum is intensive and features a human focus designed to allow students to learn about a variety of health careers.
  • Students may have opportunities to teach undergraduate students, helping others discover a passion for understanding human life and health.
  • Learning outcomes:
    • On comprehensive exams, exhibit an advanced knowledge base in genetics, cell and molecular biology, and anatomy and physiology.
    • Demonstrate advanced laboratory bench skills, lab notebook record keeping, and teamwork.
    • When conducting research, be able to construct and test formulated hypotheses related to graduate research projects.
    • Be able to critique and professionally present primary literature articles in the general biomedical sciences field, and exhibit clear and concise communication of scientific data.