• By pursuing a track in general mathematics, students can make their degree as general or specific as they would like. This flexibility allows students to find the areas they are most passionate about and design a schedule that fulfills their curiosity. Missouri State’s math department is so broad that they will have a range of choices for their course of study.
  • A degree in math provides the necessary skills and abilities for a variety of careers. Students will develop a useful skillset that includes critical thinking, analysis, and research skills. Math graduates from Missouri State have gone on to careers with NASA, the Census Bureau, Boeing, and others, and job descriptions for the program’s graduates include computer analyst, actuary, lawyer, and statistician.
  • Learning outcomes:
    • Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically, research, and reason. (Ethical Leadership)
    • Students will recognize and differentiate among diverse cultures through the history of mathematics. (Cultural Competence)
    • Students will engage in activities directly benefitting the broader community. (Community Engagement)
    • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the common body of knowledge in mathematics.
    • Students will demonstrate the ability to apply analytical and theoretical skills to model and solve mathematical problems.
    • Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze data and draw appropriate statistical conclusions.
    • Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively utilize a variety of teaching techniques and classroom strategies to positively influence student learning.