• This is a rare degree. This is one of the few entertainment-focused majors in the United States. Students have access to a well-established alumni network and an active student organization and they make key connections.
  • Students build hands-on experience through an internship. Their internship could lead them to job offers from that company.
  • Students interact and get exposure. They can attend national events and conferences.
  • Learning outcomes:
    • Graduates will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
    • Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of the legal and ethical environment impacting business organizations and exhibit an understanding and appreciation of the ethical implications of decisions.
    • Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of and appreciation for the importance of the impact of globalization and diversity in modern organizations.
    • Graduates will demonstrate an ability to engage in critical thinking by analyzing situations and constructing and selecting viable solutions to solve problems.
    • Graduates will demonstrate an ability to work effectively with others.
    • Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of current information, theories and models, and techniques and practices in all of the major business disciplines including the general areas of Accounting and Finance, Information Technologies, Management, Marketing, and Quantitative Analysis.