• Students who opt to study Audio studies have an opportunity to:
    • Gain a new perspective: Explore the power of sound. Capture, use, and think about audio in new and exciting ways.
    • Partner with their peers: Work on large-scale projects with students across the electronic arts program. Thrive in a creative, collaborative, and supportive space.
    • Use great gear and labs: Record in the studio and field with top-notch equipment. Get extensive hands-on experience with microphones, recorders, mixers/consoles, and post-production software.
    • Strengthen their audio skills: Produce and edit multitrack recordings. Mix your score and sound design in stereo and surround.

  • Learning outcomes:

    • Students will be able to demonstrate effective communication skills across a variety of contexts and situations.
    • Students will be able to exhibit effective collaboration skills within a variety of electronic arts production teams and across the constituent communities involved in the production of their senior thesis projects.
    • Students will provide documentary evidence of technical mastery within their disciplinary area through a junior portfolio review and a public assessment of their senior thesis project.