Nurses practice in a wide array of settings, from hospitals and outpatient offices to surgical centers, schools, prisons and camps, among others. With a curriculum that unites liberal arts with nursing - and offers diverse opportunities for meaningful clinical experiences - this program equips nurses for long, rewarding careers in the profession, wherever they choose to work. The students are also prepared for graduate study.

We see education as a dynamic process. Through innovative teaching strategies, our faculty offer an active learning environment. We focus on interprofessional education to prepare students for nursing practice.

The curriculum is unique, blending learning in the classroom and the skills lab, as well as using high-technology simulation and patient-care experiences in clinical settings. The curriculum is built on a liberal arts education and includes professional preparation in nursing. Our nursing students study everything from anatomy and physiology to psychology and sociology, and they benefit from a significant amount of hands-on experiences.

Clinical skills are learned and practiced beginning in sophomore year, followed by patient- care experiences in a wide variety of clinical settings including hospitals, long-term care facilities, community-health agencies, behavioral-health settings, schools, clinics, home care and hospice care.