Psychology is a broad field, blending natural science with social science and humanities. Our B.A. program provides academic courses and internship opportunities that prepare you for a wide range of careers focused on understanding behavior ? from graduate studies in psychology, medicine or law to careers in business, research or school settings. You?ll also experience psychology in the ?real world? through internship courses, we place students at more than 200 sites throughout New Jersey.

Our program introduces you to all areas of psychology, including biological psychology, abnormal psychology, child psychology and drug and alcohol abuse, among many others. You?ll start with a one-credit course designed to help you understand the major, learn about employment opportunities with a degree in psychology, and make sure psychology is the right major for you. You?ll also acquire marketable skills in areas such as critical thinking, problem solving, and verbal and written communication. An adviser will help you tailor the program to your interests and objectives.?

Not only can you take engaging courses with world-class professors, you?ll also have opportunities to get hands-on experience. Most full-time faculty have active research labs and students can help with cutting-edge research. You can also complete a for-credit internship, where you might be placed in a clinic, hospital, courthouse, mental health center, counseling, community center or school throughout the state. These internships offer hands-on experience and for many students lead directly to post-graduation jobs.