Professions in Kinesiology are among the fastest growing in the world. Individuals, corporations and government entities have come to recognize that the fitness, health and well-being of individuals creates the foundation for the success of our society and economy. By providing you with knowledge, skills and abilities, the Kinesiology Department will help prepare you to pursue a number of enjoyable professions, and post-graduate opportunities.
The Kinesiology major develops comprehensive expertise in the human body's development and functions, the roles of physical movement in growth and learning, and the methods for improving and maintaining a high quality of life and personal wellness at every age.
?By providing you with knowledge, skills and abilities, our Kinesiology faculty and staff will help prepare you to pursue a number of enjoyable professions, and post-graduate opportunities.
The Kinesiology major develops comprehensive expertise in the human body's development and functions, the roles of physical movement in growth and learning, and the methods for improving and maintaining a high quality of life and personal wellness at every age.