Students will:
Display knowledge of fundamental themes and narratives in history. This implies the ability to:
- Discuss diverse time periods, peoples, situations, and societies;
- Perceive past events and issues in an appropriate historical context;
- Comprehend the interplay of change and continuity;
- Grasp the complexity of historical causation;
- Appreciate the nature of judgments about the past;
- Read critically to differentiate fact and conjecture, evidence and assertion, and thereby to frame useful questions.
Conduct original historical research. This implies the ability to:
- Design analytical and historiographically significant research questions;
- Research and analyze historical evidence from both primary and secondary sources;
- Construct an interpretation that answers the questions posed in the project;
- Situate the interpretation in the historiography of the topic being analyzed.
Communicate historical knowledge and explanations to others. This implies the ability to:
- Present a historical interpretation in a well organized, readable, and logical manner;
- Follow proper rules of grammar and syntax, and accepted style of the profession (Turabian).