Founded in 1970, the Master of Public Health program (MPH) is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) and offered in two formats: on campus (regular session) and distance (through International and Extended Studies).

All undergraduate students in recreation complete a well-rounded set of core courses that prepare them to apply for national and state certification and to obtain employment in a variety of non-profit, for-profit, government, and recreation therapy settings.

Our department is involved in many innovative community-based programs, including Salud Familiar en McKinley, the SJSU Peer Health Education Program, Project SHINE, Smokefree SJSU,and several therapeutic and recreation management agencies in the S.F. Bay Area.

Our special events throughout the year offer excellent networking and professional development opportunities.and several therapeutic and recreation management agencies in the S.F. Bay Area. Our special events throughout the year offer excellent networking and professional development opportunities.