A strong liberal arts education also is required. The main goals of the program's skills courses are to help students become accurate and thorough researchers; precise and graceful writers; technically, aesthetically fine photojournalists; and competent digital technologists. Introductory courses emphasize the need to think and write clearly.

Writing students are required to take introductory courses in research, reporting, writing, digital skills, and editing. Photojournalism students are required to take introductory courses in writing, digital skills, and reporting as well as courses in basic photography and news photography. All students are required to take two courses in multimedia journalism.

Advanced journalism courses are more specialized—feature writing, depth reporting, public journalism, investigative reporting, computer-assisted reporting, advanced multimedia, magazine writing, design courses and visual journalism for writers and editors. To understand the role of journalism in society, students also are required to take courses in mass media, journalism ethics and law, and cultural diversity. Students are strongly urged to develop speaking, writing, and listening competency in a second language.