The degree program also provides students with opportunities in taking multidisciplinary courses from within the College of Engineering and from other colleges at UTSA in order to enhance students’ leadership, problem solving, and/or entrepreneurship skills.

Graduates of the MS MatE will be general practitioners and specialists, thus the degree program will provide the necessary balance between the fundamental and technical aspects of the field. All students will take core courses to achieve a common platform of understanding and knowledge covering topics in three interlinked areas: (a) Structure-function relationships in materials, which determine behavior at the macro-, micro-, nano-, molecular- and atomic-levels; (b) Synthesis, characterization and measurement of materials (ceramics, composites, metals, polymers, multifunctional and metamaterials) especially those with novel properties to address current and future technological challenges; and (c) Design and applications of materials that address critical issues facing society including energy, sustainability and health care.