The Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering offers students the opportunity to prepare for careers in traditional, new, and emerging technologies related to the practice of Mechanical Engineering, which is a versatile and broadly-based engineering discipline. Mathematics and basic sciences, such as physics and chemistry, form the foundation of mechanical engineering, which requires an understanding of diverse subject areas, such as solid and fluid mechanics, thermal sciences, mechanical design, structures, material selection, manufacturing processes and systems, mechanical systems and control, and instrumentation.

The Mechanical Engineering curriculum provides education and basic engineering training through the required coursework. Students may develop increased specialization and depth through the selection of technical elective courses. Development of open-ended, problem-solving skills is a part of many mechanical engineering courses. Design projects with formal report writing are included in many courses. In addition, a substantial portion of technical elective courses is devoted to the design of systems and components. A capstone design sequence at the senior level provides an opportunity to apply and integrate the knowledge gained throughout the curriculum to the development of an instructor-approved project.