The Master of Science in Chemical Engineering degree can be a good springboard for a Ph.D. since the course requirements for the two degrees are similar.

The University of Utah Department of Chemical Engineering offers several options for students to earn a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering degree:

  • Coursework-Based track: This self-funded option provides an opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge of chemical engineering subjects through coursework. Students must complete 30 credit hours of core and elective engineering courses with an average GPA of 3.3 to receive their degree. This track can usually be completed in 16 to 24 months. Students on this track are responsible for covering all costs for the degree.
  • Project-Based track: Under this self-funded track, students perform an independent, self-directed project chosen either through consultation with their supervisory committee or through their employer. Completing the degree involves an oral defense of the project before the supervisory committee. This track can usually be completed in 16 to 24 months. Students on this track are responsible for covering all costs for the degree.
  • Thesis-Based track: The thesis-based track is for existing University of Utah students and is coordinated through special arrangements with a supporting faculty member; it is not available for outside applicants. For the thesis-based Master of Science degree, students must complete 30 credit hours of core and elective courses and perform independent research under the direction of a faculty advisor. Students must write and successfully orally defend a Masters's thesis in order to receive the degree. This track typically takes 24 to 36 months to complete.