As a History student at the University of Utah, you will study the cultures, events, and peoples of the past. However, graduates of the program not only learn about the past: in appreciating the varieties of human experience, students are able to understand the present and plan for the future. The History major helps students to develop the ability to write well and interpret complex information, ensuring that they are able to offer creative solutions to challenging problems, handle ambiguity, and work across cultures. 

Courses cover topics ranging from ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome, to the modern Middle East, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Though it is not required, students are encouraged to follow their passions by picking an area of concentration to guide their studies: the history of religion or medieval history, for example. Regardless of your focus of study, you will ultimately develop a capacity for careful and rigorous thought and cultural competence, abilities that promote success in careers around the world.

The Student Experience

Enrich your academic experience by completing an internship, undergraduate research project, or by participating in the Annual Department of History Essay Contest. Students can also join departmental organizations, such as Phi Alpha Theta (a history honor society) or H-SAC (the History Student Advisory Committee).

Career Opportunities

History students are prepared to pursue careers in a variety of fields. Work for the government as a policy writer, program administrator, or town manager. Students may also work for nonprofits, as grant writers or public relations experts, or as educators. With additional education at the graduate level, students may find work as curators, librarians, professors, educational administrators, or lawyers.