Through lecture classes, discussion-based seminars, internships, and independent study, students learn multi-disciplinary approaches to the study of art and visual culture and gain essential skills of visual analysis, critical reasoning and effective communication. Students will be prepared for a range of entry level positions in the public, private, or nonprofit sectors, or to undertake graduate study in an academic or professional program.

We encourage students to declare a major/minor during their first or second year. You may declare an art history major/minor through the College of Fine Arts Academic Advisor. At this meeting, the advisor will review your academic record and assist you in developing a coherent course of study. We strongly recommend that each Art History major/minor meet annually with the College of Fine Arts Academic Advisor to monitor progress through her/his program of study and to discuss educational and professional goals. We also encourage you to take advantage of our faculty mentoring. 

All art history faculty are available for consultation about the academic program, and we invite you to approach one of the professors for their willingness to become your faculty mentor. In this way, you can get to know us while simultaneously gaining a wider perspective on the discipline of art history. As an art history major/minor, you will need to schedule an appointment with the College of Fine Arts Academic Advisor at the end of your junior year to ensure that all degree requirements are being met.