Students in this field study the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship, the uses and abuses of power, and America?s relations with other nations. As you learn the art of analysis and argumentation, you will gain a deeper understanding of the political process. Students will complete courses in American government, international relations, public policy, and political theory. After graduation, students are prepared to work at any level of government; because political science students also have strong critical thinking skills and social awareness, they are well-prepared to pursue a variety of allied careers or graduate programs.

The Student Experience

Students are encouraged to complete an internship during their time in the program, allowing them to earn academic credit while simultaneously gaining valuable professional skills and experience. Additional enrichment and involvement opportunities available include the Undergraduate Student Advisory Committee, the honor societies Pi Sigma Alpha and Pi Alpha Alpha, and the Maxwell Lectures in Political Theory. The Hinckley Institute also has a number of programs that are of use to Political Science students. Join the Hinckley Volunteer Corps to assist in a political campaign, attend a Hinckley-sponsored conference, assist in outreach initiatives as a Hinckley Student Ambassador, or participate in a Pizza & Politics discussion forum.