The Student Experience

Students are encouraged to enrich their studies by completing a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program through the National Science Foundation, allowing them to develop professional and academic skills for use throughout their undergraduate career and beyond. If you want to get involved in your department and meet fellow students, consider joining one of the following clubs: the Undergraduate Student Advisory Committee, the AstronomUr Outreach Group, the Society of Physics Students, or the ACCESS Program for Women in Science & Mathematics.

Career Opportunities

Students can pursue a number of careers upon graduating from the program. If you chose the professional track, continue your studies at the graduate level to become a professional physicist, working in a lab or at a university, teaching and researching. Biomedical physics students may enter careers in the field of biomedicine, helping to develop biotechnology or working at nonprofit research centers. Applied physics students can become engineers or programmers, while teaching students can teach physics in elementary and secondary schools. Students may also find work outside the field of physics: alumni have been hired as operations analysts or as freelance technical writers.