The Student Experience

Pad your resume and join one of the many math clubs or honor societies, such as Pi Mu Epsilon or the Organization for Women Leaders in Science (OWLS). Meet fellow students and listen to math experts at weekly Undergraduate Colloquium mathematics talks (and stick around for free pizza after each one!). The mathematics department also offers several internship opportunities for students looking to gain career or research experience. For students seeking a jump-start on graduate school, the Mathematics Department offers a combined BS/MS Mathematics degree.

Career Opportunities

A degree in Mathematics provides a strong base for a variety of careers. Science, engineering, and physics are all excellent fields for math students, and so are research or teaching positions. Business also offers many opportunities for a mathematician to find work: you can become an actuary (a risk analyst for an insurance company), economist, operations researcher, or finance specialist. Some math majors put their abilities to work in computer science and programming, while others use the analytical skills they learned to become lawyers and doctors.