A variety of career opportunities are available to students who graduate with a strong grounding in the study of language. These include foreign service, international trade, graduate study, social work among non-English speaking minority groups, and teaching.

The goals of the Spanish Department are to contribute to the liberal education of students by providing courses designed to develop an appreciation of the Spanish language and the Hispanic literature as essential elements of culture, and to promote the sensitivity to human values and the critical thinking that is inherent in the study of cultures other than one's own. The department is committed to the concept of foreign study and strongly encourages students to participate in overseas programs in Granada, Spain; Quito, Ecuador; or Valparaiso and Osorno, Chile; or Oaxaca, Mexico.

A variety of career opportunities are available to students who graduate with a strong grounding in the study of language. These include foreign service, international trade, graduate study, social work among non-English speaking minority groups, and teaching.

Student Learning Outcomes for the Spanish Major

  • The ability to read, write, comprehend and speak Spanish at an Advanced level
    • The ability to sustain and defend in written and oral form an argument in Spanish
    • The ability to engage primary and/or secondary texts in Spanish
  • The ability to use appropriate critical terminology and to understand theories of interpretation, and apply them in their own writing
    • The ability to frame and pursue a research question
    • The ability to identify and integrate into their analysis relevant primary and secondary sources
  • The ability to analyze texts from the Spanish, Latin American and Latino traditions within their cultural, political, social and historical contexts
    • The ability to synthesize knowledge
    • The ability to think critically in order to reach conclusions that go beyond re-stating the current state of research
    • The ability to place and evaluate the text within its cultural, political, social and historical contexts